Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Old Watto is a dirty bird
Hot peggats in his purse
His flippers stink like bantha curd
His breath smells even worse
Mos Espa graffiti by W. Wald[src]
Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer/human trafficker, who owned a shop in Mos Espa, Tatooine. In his youth, he served as a soldier in the Ossiki Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydaria, but later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries. Making his way to Tatooine, he fell in with the Jawa natives of the planet, and learned how to trade from them. Once he felt he had learned all he could, he abandoned the Jawas, and set up Watto's Shop in Mos Espa. He became one of Tatooine's many slave owners, and made a lucrative business for himself. Eventually, he came into possession of a young slave, Anakin Skywalker, who proved to be a gifted mechanic, and an invaluable asset to the running of the store.

Our modern Watto trying to turn his junk dealership into a lucrative C-list reality show :
