Saturday, July 19, 2014

The shifting sands

As many know, the Egyptian cease-fire agreement was shrugged off by Hamas.

But, what is more interesting is Egypt.  Not since Sadat has there been such a move out of Cairo.

The Egyptian move reflects an unseen war that is hidden in between the lines of this unfolding conflict. By talking to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and including none of the conditions Hamas’s asked, Egypt made sure Hamas would never accept the ceasefire. For there is one thing that Hamas always seeks in any conflict,it is to be considered as the only credible representative of the Palestinian people, which they are actually less and less. Egypt on its side, sees Hamas as a regional threat, responsible for the security situation in the Sinai Peninsula as it created a complex smuggling network, and exported its radical doctrine, making the once quiet border with Israel a ticking time bomb. Beyond the mere fact that Hamas is officially the Gazan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood which is Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s deadliest enemy, Hamas is, in Egypt’s assessment, the key to quelling the Islamist insurgency in Sinai.

Egyptian troops, tanks and helicopters have been deployed in Sinai, in coordination with Israel and despite it being specifically forbidden by the Camp David peace treaty. Yet there is one place Egyptian troops will never go and which will as a result remain a safe haven for the Sinai militants: The Gaza Strip. Because its public opinion would never understand it, an Egyptian operation in Gaza is unthinkable. Yet Egypt has done more to destroy Hamas, than any other country, including Israel. Since the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed President Morsi, it has systematically destroyed smuggling tunnels used by Hamas to collect taxes and smuggle weapon. In Rafah, it has destroyed houses to create a de-facto buffer zone at the border with the Gaza Strip. Two rockets attacks against Egyptian targets in Northern Sinai and near the border with the Gaza strip in the last days, further show the Sinai militants’ understanding that Egypt is out to topple Hamas."

Who can blame the Al-Sisi?  In addition to the security issues the Muslim Brotherhood presents, it probably helps that Israel has technology that Egypt could desperately use right now.  Such as in agriculture and communications.  There is much more to be gained from a solid partner when it comes to trade, of course.  Compared to a terrorist organization, who hadn't thought past revenge, is a no brainer.

Hopefully, this is a sign of a major landscape shift in the Middle East.  One in which more moderate voices join in allying with Israel, instead of the Muslim brotherhood and the radicals.

Book pulling - at least it's not burning!

So is the case apparently with Costco, who initially pulled from it's selves the new Bestseller, based upon Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, "America, Imagine a World Without Her."

The power game Costco plays is indeed how the Left plays the game in this day and age.  It relies on removing information from the public view.  Only then can it be sure it's not seen in a bad light.

I'm sure Dinesh D'Souza's newest movie is a knife through the Left's heart, if the response is any indication.

From this guy in Variety,

(his picture listed here on his bio :

"America shifts gears during it's final half-hour, lurching from revisionism of historical revisionism to cautionary speculation.  While focusing on the legacy of leftist community organizer Saul Alinsky - depicted here as an apt pupil of Chicago gangsters - he duly notes Alinsky's influence on Obama's agenda.  But wait, there's more.  D'Souza also gets to take a preemptive shot at presumed presidential hopeful Clinton by dramatizing how the one-time "Goldwater girl" was led over the leftie dark side by Alinsky."

How this is relevant to a movie review - I don't know.  It's neither in depth or on the topic.  Yet, this community college professor takes personal shots at D'Souza, and at the same time, propagandizes for Hillary Clinton.  She wrote her thesis on Alinsky!  Eye witnesses who know Hillary know she was into Alinsky's model at the time.  Obama taught the model.  It was part of his presidential campaign "experience" factor of community organizing.

These guys would love for it to be revisionism, or historical revisionism.

Instead, it's they that are spreading the revisionism.  It's right there in plain view.  In fact, I think the article tries to race bait it's audience.

"By the way : It will be interesting to see how some viewers react to D'Souza's repeated (and approving) depiction of the Civil War as a noble battle waged by Abraham Lincoln and his Union Army solely to end slavery in the United States."

Such a hypothetical question implied with no real basis could have only been used as such.

Other such headlines were also common :
Review : Is Dinesh D'Souza's 'America' The Worst Political Documentary of All-Time?
"Insidiously, these are some of the ways D'Souza and co-director John Sullivan keep the film brisk and conventionally entertaining, not unlike a “Sharknado” sequel or a particularly embarrassing YouTube video. Filled with soaring guitars, pointless blacksmith montages and recreations with porn-level production values (check out the sponge-wig on Frederick Douglass), it's all fist-pumping anti-thought, consisting of baseless revisionist history and idle contrarianism"

You see the pattern?  They don't engage or debate the movie - they slam it with accusations and try to paint it as "porn-level".  They know so long as they can appeal to the mobs understanding of revision of history and contrariness, they can seem intelligent.

But the article never answers it's initial question.  Is it the worst?  Sadly, the author was too stupid to finish his own thoughts.  Such topic baiting is similar to the reports out of Rialto, California a few months back asking if the Holocaust was a Hoax?  As the Lady said then, and I wonder now, why even ask the question?

The point is - these guys know what they are up to.  Smearing the movie before anyone see's it.  That's why it disappeared from Google's movie times and Costco shelves, it threaten's the revisionists in this country.

Why stand idle?

"No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."

Began one Patrick Henry
March 23rd, 1775

Before a congregation that included George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

I skip ahead, to the end to point this out :

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

While everyone shouts, Peace, peace!  Our brethren are already in the field.

Why stand idle?

The entire speech can be found here :

Freedom of Speech

Life is like a Rorschach test.

What you see in the image tells us more about you, than it does about it.

Such is the case with the Rallies today and yesterday across the entire United States.  A moment of pride and courage from people across the nation.  The mood : civil and calm!

Such is the case with the pro-Israel rallies across the United States since the beginning of it's war with Hamas.  The rallies calm, civil. Despite utter hatred and contempt from the other side

Such is the case with the Pro-Palestinian movement.  Contempt.  Violence.

Against French bans, they still came out, and rioted.

Great move jerks.  All caught on video.  Some rally for "peace."

But this is not just limited to France.

Or Internationally.

That was in front of the Federal Building in Westwood.

I think how you use, or abuse, freedom of speech tells us more about you, than what you say.

The Modern Thought Police

Updated 7/22/2014 1:30pm (along with original article)

As I've reported, the situation at Theoryland is just as bad as I first had only brief hints of.

The moderators/admins have lost all sense of reason or dignity.  Such is the sorry state of affairs that now governs Theoryland in Tamrylin's absence.

They like to call themselves, the Chosen.  As if this title gives them the right to do whatever they want.  This arrogant, childishness is typical of ego-maniacs whose only purpose in goal is to acquire power, however slight it may be.

In a thread titled, New Faction, Tamrylin explicitly stated that he didn't want any personal attacks continuing in the forum. 

And yet, they continued unabated.

The personal attacks rained in from the usual suspects.  Terez, of course, leading the gang.  After my last post highlighted her obsessive compulsive behavior in regards to me, she of course started with a self defense of her appearance in the thread.

"I only looked because Nazabaque told me to."

The same Nazabaque who apparently doesn't visit anything but the Non-Wot forums, according to the Roll Call thread.

Does she really think people believe her when she says that?  Yes, Nazabaque told her to go look at the thread in question and comment despite Terez's years of supposed ignoring of my comments.

What a comedy of fools.

But that is what she is.  A fool. And sadly, the ring leader of this club of America hating, psuedo-intellectual fools.

That is she an admin or moderator, I already proved here :

That Tamrylin claims to not know is also of major concern.  How does Tarmylin not know she's an admin or moderator?  Did one of the Chosen promote her without Tamrylin's blessing?  Inquiring minds want to know.

But don't expect these "Chosen" to answer to anyone.

In a PM to me they said,

"We want to make it clear that any outcome related to moderation of posts written by other members is not within your purview."

Too bad.  It is now.  And the purview of the internet for all to see.

Of course it interests me when someone personally attacks me over and over again as the moderators blissfully skip through the fields of their own minds.  Their incompetence was on full display when they let the comments continue to fester on the forums.

And the comments were indeed vulgar. 

Since, these brainless fools didn't have much else to say.  They are reduced to their usual infantile bag of words, like crap and asshole.

And the comments were indeed brainless.

The complaints included the supporting comments were too long to read.  How these guys made it through grade school, I'll never know.

And the comments were indeed laughable,

Most of the charges were that I was anti-Semitic! 

The hilariousness of how fast this card was played was pointed out by multiple long standing Theoryland members.   As it was said, the quickness by which it was played said more about the poster, Seeker, than myself.

Instead of letting the matter drop, Terez, Fionwe and Zombie Sammuel continued to press the issue, since the Moderators showed no concern.

The rest of the thread was then filled with hateful and vacuous comments - which were left there, for days!

When I quoted the personal attacks that Tamrylin had personally said must stop, the Admin/Moderator erased all the posts, from the negative ones, to mine, to even defense of me.

They became, thought Nazi's.  You might have to check with YKS to see if that is the appropriate term to use here, since she claims to be the expert upon the subject : see here

"The main difference between nazism and communism is that the first killed certain "other" nationalities and the latter killed rich people.  If you're looking for a dictatorial system which eradicated religion, communism should be the one you ought to refer to."

YKS is apparently a flaming moron who has no clue what the Nazi's did to eradicate religion,( or that the Communists killed more that just rich people (that would be a knee slapper if it wasn't so sad).

Communism killed 100 million people by most estimates and YKS thinks they just killed rich people.  How on Earth she thinks that 100 million people in poor countries like Russia and China, were rich, I don't know.  Certainly, she is completely removed from understanding the root causes of either Nazi Germany or Communism in general, like much of her troop.

The bigger irony is what an ignorant fool she is - she somehow thinks she is the expert on the subject enough to tell a Jew when to use the word Nazi or not.  Let alone, thinks she is an expert on the subject at all.  Total clueless moron.

How that person got put in charge of a internet forum?  Well, because they probably have nothing else to do in life.

In any event, she will probably never get the hypocrisy in her actions when she decided to lock, and erase half the comments in the New Faction thread.  Both good, and bad comments.  And not surprising : my post simply pointing out which posts were attacks that were left on the board for days.

In essence, the Mods/Admin became thought control Nazi's.  Nothing to see here!

They erased everything so they didn't look like the incompetent idiots they were for not erasing the hate filled comments after Tamrylin's statement.  Nor did they punish the breakers of Tamrylin's pronouncement : which would have included Terez, Fionwe and Zombie Sammuel.

Sadly, these moderators/admins aren't about free speech or even WoT, they are about hatred for opposing thought.  If anything, they have become what they hated the most - Nazis.

Updated with link to original article (which is also slightly updated).

Friday, July 18, 2014


But those who can discern will shine like the brightness of heaven’s dome,
and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

Daniel 12:3

Artwork is my own original.

Shabbat Shalom.


“Yosef is a fruitful bough,
a fruitful bough by a spring,
with branches climbing over the wall."

Genesis 49:22

Again, artwork is my own original creation.

No limits

Many innocent lives died in that 777.
23 Americans, possibly, were killed in the event.

"Retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters pointed the finger directly at Russia. “It wasn’t the separatists, although Russia will try to blame them, or blame the Ukrainians,” Peters said. “The Russians have not given the separatists complex, high-altitude air-defense systems. If this airliner was flying at 34,000 feet or any altitude close to that, it was shot down by Russian military air-defense systems perched on the Ukrainian border.”


Obama himself briefly addressed the “terrible tragedy” while attending a political event in Delaware yesterday afternoon, adding that the administration is working to determine how many of the 23 American citizens contained in the plane’s passenger manifest were actually on board. But in the latest testament to his fundamental unseriousness, the president quickly returned to his latest stump speech, replete with jokes and complaints about Republicans."

And so the limit between being serious in a crisis and playing the political game, undermines any authority Obama has.  One second he's delivering an important address, no questions asked, making threats to Putin, the next he's back to partisan politics and jokes.

 Terrible jokers often have a hard time knowing the limits of good taste.

The Dew of Sion

Art work created by myself is original.

Focus on just the center :

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Controling Education

It's comes as no surprise that the escalation has lead to ground forces now being put to use in Israel.

Long have the Israeli's claimed that Hamas had been using targets Israel would not want to hit to store it's weapons.  That was recently confirmed by UNRWA.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) disclosed Thursday in a statement that they have located a cache of twenty rockets in a school operated by the agency.
The weapons were found "in the course of the regular inspection of its premise," the statement detailed, "in a vacant school." The UNRWA strongly condemned "the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations." The school in the incident was vacant, the statement said.

The Israeli's were right the whole time.  UNRWA had to apologize to Israel.

Which brings us back to UNRWA.
Led by the United States, the founders of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the institution tasked with oversight of the Palestine refugees, conceived of it as a temporary instrument to help relieve the plight of the Arab refugees displaced by the struggle over Israel's creation in 1948-49. But over the ensuing sixty-three years, UNRWA has evolved into an agency that perpetuates the refugee problem as a source of conflict rather than contributing to its resolution. Its refugee camps and educational programs keep alive the impossible dream that millions of descendants of the original refugees will "return" to today's Israel. Its social service delivery programs create permanent dependency and impede local integration into the societies and countries where its beneficiaries have resided for decades. Unlike its sister agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which is responsible for millions of non-Palestinian refugees worldwide, it does not have an active program for "local integration" of refugees where they now reside nor "resettlement" in third countries.
UNRWA basically stops Palestinians from normalizing back with Israeli's.

From their own website, it starts with education.
On of our main aims, based on our commitment to Palestine refugees’ human development, is to help children and youth gain appropriate knowledge and skills by providing universal primary education. High-quality basic education provides young Palestine refugees with an understanding of their place in the world and a common set of key values, including dignity, tolerance, cultural identity, gender equality and human rights, and helps them develop the skills to thrive as adults in an evolving, challenging landscape.
It's the first goal listed and first picture on their website, see for yourself.

Somehow, this organization has completely lost the plot.
Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) make the federal government accountable for what is in the books.
We are responsible for the content and the content has been, year in and year out, explosively anti-Semitic, anti-American and anti-Israeli,” Smith said, at the event he hosted with the Center for Near-East Policy Research, which is based in Jerusalem and which has studied the topic extensively . 
 From Jan. 2012
Thanks to Google translate, you can read the curriculum for yourself.

One of the main studies is, surprise, Islamic studies!  Much like peace studies, it's not really about studying Islam.

One should note that UNRWA is still opposed by HAMAS.  HAMAS didn't see UNRWA as radical enough.  In response to UNRWA trying to teach about the Holocaust, HAMAS rejected it, saying :

"UNRWA students do not need to learn about the Holocaust, as much as they need to be taught about their history and geography, the statement added, stressing on “the students’ right to know about the massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people since the Nakba until now" - Hamas Office for Refugee Affairs

Hamas willing glosses over the millions who died in the Holocaust, not just Jews, but Gypsies, Protestants, Catholics, Atheists and others who refused to believe in the Secular Religion of the Nazi regime.

Goebbels created the Nazi secular religion.  We never should forget it.

Some of these vacuous pseudo-historians, like Jonathon Turley, suggest :

"The Nazi illusion has appeared in past attacks on secularists despite Hitler’s repeated emphasis on faith."

No.  Hitler emphasized faith, that is true, but it was a secular faith put together by Goebbels.  A faith that could replace current "organized religions."  Hitler was not really Catholic at all.

This is often what is given as proof that Hitler was a religious Catholic.

What Hitler was saying is that secular schools were inadequate because they taught no higher moral instruction.  The morality it would teach would be built "on air."  What Hitler needed was believers.  People with character.  People who believed strongly enough in something to die for it.  And it started with children and schools.  Call Hitler the worst genocidal megalomaniac of all time, which he was, but he didn't get to the head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and almost take over the World, without some brains.

Hitler thought of Christianity as a scourge!  To be wiped out!

To forget the history, is to forget how secular religion, the Religion Hitler promoted, finds it'self at the opposite end of the spectrum from Christianity.

Such is the disrespect against Christians, let alone everyone else who died in the Holocaust or fighting the Nazis.

Perhaps the reason for this is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who at the time, was a supporter of Hitler and the final solution.

I'm sure many people, knowing that, would want to know more.  Learning that might make one question why he was so involved.  And that's what is the heart of the vast effort to change the narrative, question if it happened, degrade it, or not teach it all.

Ignoring reality

First, my condolences to everyone who lost family and friends today aboard Malaysia Air.  It is a horrific event that should be condemned in the strongest of fashions.

The blame, of course, resides upon those who fired the weapon that took the lives on board.  I hope, and pray, that the truth of the matter will come out, in honor of those that died.

I also think Malaysia Air shoulders some of the responsibility for this tragedy, even if indirectly.  Why on Earth would you fly over a war zone?  Why would you put your customers and employees in direct danger of being shot out of the sky? Such blind negligence needs to be pointed out when it cost so many lives.

This same company has still yet to solve it's last tragic event - the disappearance of a similar Boeing 777.

"Searchers are apparently no closer to solving the mystery surrounding the Malaysia Airlines flight which went missing March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew."
Sounds like Malaysia Air is similar to GM, incapable of self-examination, and full of brutal incompetence.  That type of broad ignorance directly lead to fatalities again!

This is why, market forces should be allowed to do what they do.

All are Equal

Most people remember George Orwell for his work in 1984.

It was truly a masterpiece.

A tale of Winston Smith, who worked for the The Party.  The Party's three slogans are: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength."

A tale of a civilization ruled by Big Brother, and the Thought Police.

A tale of a civilization constantly disillusioned into believing there was a constant war going on between the 3 powers.

But for me, I think one of his other works goes without as much recognition.

Animal farm.

It's a tale that purposefully counters socialism using it's own tactics, appealing to youth and equality.   The message?  Equality for all is impossible because someone will always try to assume control.  This is best summed up by the ending, with only one commandment scribbled on the side of the barn,

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Not our Kin


1. A person's relatives collectively;kinfolk.
2. family relationship or kinship
3. a group of persons descended from a common ancestor or constituting a family, clan, tribe, or race.
4. a relative or kinsman.
5. someone or something of the same or similar kind: philosophy and its kin, theology.

Kin, is like saying you are ultimately, somehow share something in common.  By blood, marriage, state or race, somehow you are connected. Kindred spirits.  

But this statement is an exclusionary word by nature.  We share something in common.  Other people don't share it with us.  By definition, it defines a common side.

So, it's no surprise to find the modern figures of speech, such as "The Whole World Kin."

Perhaps we should take a look again at George Bernard Shaw, 

Shaw inspired many people, even won a Nobel prize.

The sad truth of the man has been covered over by history. 
"SHAW: You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight, and since you won’t, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself."  -  Retrieved from this article.

The implication is that if you can't explain why you are here or why you aren't "pulling your weight," you deserve to die.  It's just evolution. No point in getting all worked up about it.

Such has been the real life experiment in the Netherlands, where they gave physicians the green light to euthanize patients.

"But we were wrong - terribly wrong, in fact. In hindsight, the stabilization in the numbers was just a temporary pause. Beginning in 2008, the numbers of these deaths show an increase of 15% annually, year after year. The annual report of the committees for 2012 recorded 4,188 cases in 2012 (compared with 1,882 in 2002). 2013 saw a continuation of this trend and I expect the 6,000 line to be crossed this year or the next. Euthanasia is on the way to become a ‘default’ mode of dying for cancer patients.

Alongside this escalation other developments have taken place. Under the name ‘End of Life Clinic,’ the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE founded a network of travelling euthanizing doctors. Whereas the law presupposes (but does not require) an established doctor-patient relationship, in which death might be the end of a period of treatment and interaction, doctors of the End of Life Clinic have only two options: administer life-ending drugs or sending the patient away.

On average, these physicians see a patient three times before administering drugs to end their life. Hundreds of cases were conducted by the End of Life Clinic. The NVVE shows no signs of being satisfied even with these developments. They will not rest until a lethal pill is made available to anyone over 70 years who wishes to die. Some slopes truly are slippery."

But we were wrong - terribly wrong, in fact. In hindsight, the stabilization in the numbers was just a temporary pause. Beginning in 2008, the numbers of these deaths show an increase of 15% annually, year after year. The annual report of the committees for 2012 recorded 4,188 cases in 2012 (compared with 1,882 in 2002). 2013 saw a continuation of this trend and I expect the 6,000 line to be crossed this year or the next. Euthanasia is on the way to become a ‘default’ mode of dying for cancer patients.
Alongside this escalation other developments have taken place. Under the name ‘End of Life Clinic,’ the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE founded a network of travelling euthanizing doctors. Whereas the law presupposes (but does not require) an established doctor-patient relationship, in which death might be the end of a period of treatment and interaction, doctors of the End of Life Clinic have only two options: administer life-ending drugs or sending the patient away.
On average, these physicians see a patient three times before administering drugs to end their life. Hundreds of cases were conducted by the End of Life Clinic. The NVVE shows no signs of being satisfied even with these developments. They will not rest until a lethal pill is made available to anyone over 70 years who wishes to die. Some slopes truly are slippery.
- See more at:
But we were wrong - terribly wrong, in fact. In hindsight, the stabilization in the numbers was just a temporary pause. Beginning in 2008, the numbers of these deaths show an increase of 15% annually, year after year. The annual report of the committees for 2012 recorded 4,188 cases in 2012 (compared with 1,882 in 2002). 2013 saw a continuation of this trend and I expect the 6,000 line to be crossed this year or the next. Euthanasia is on the way to become a ‘default’ mode of dying for cancer patients.
Alongside this escalation other developments have taken place. Under the name ‘End of Life Clinic,’ the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE founded a network of travelling euthanizing doctors. Whereas the law presupposes (but does not require) an established doctor-patient relationship, in which death might be the end of a period of treatment and interaction, doctors of the End of Life Clinic have only two options: administer life-ending drugs or sending the patient away.
On average, these physicians see a patient three times before administering drugs to end their life. Hundreds of cases were conducted by the End of Life Clinic. The NVVE shows no signs of being satisfied even with these developments. They will not rest until a lethal pill is made available to anyone over 70 years who wishes to die. Some slopes truly are slippery.
- See more at:
But we were wrong - terribly wrong, in fact. In hindsight, the stabilization in the numbers was just a temporary pause. Beginning in 2008, the numbers of these deaths show an increase of 15% annually, year after year. The annual report of the committees for 2012 recorded 4,188 cases in 2012 (compared with 1,882 in 2002). 2013 saw a continuation of this trend and I expect the 6,000 line to be crossed this year or the next. Euthanasia is on the way to become a ‘default’ mode of dying for cancer patients.
Alongside this escalation other developments have taken place. Under the name ‘End of Life Clinic,’ the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE founded a network of travelling euthanizing doctors. Whereas the law presupposes (but does not require) an established doctor-patient relationship, in which death might be the end of a period of treatment and interaction, doctors of the End of Life Clinic have only two options: administer life-ending drugs or sending the patient away.
On average, these physicians see a patient three times before administering drugs to end their life. Hundreds of cases were conducted by the End of Life Clinic. The NVVE shows no signs of being satisfied even with these developments. They will not rest until a lethal pill is made available to anyone over 70 years who wishes to die. Some slopes truly are slippery.
- See more at:
Such is the slippery slope from "mercy" to what amounts to murder for pay.

These patients, often in the grips of Alzheimer's or other mental delusions that allow them to be  manipulated, are easy pray for physicians acting in the patient's "best interests" in mind.  This is unfortunately a possibility for all us humans as they age.

Which leads me back to Shaw.  If Darwinism believes that people who don't contribute or justify their existence, why have charity?

The answer is charity comes from organized religion.

Matthew 5:1-12 

Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
The meek have no place in a Darwinian society trying to rise to the pinnacle of human evolution.

This is why the largest charities in the world today are a result of the world's major religions promoting charity over evolution.

Confucianism, Protestants and Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Taoists and Hindu's all have structural elements that require charity.  These are considered the major religions of the World.  But somehow, there is another side that doesn't believe in kindness to the weak, or charity.

But is it a religion?

Thanks to Google, you can see for yourself in The Whole World Kin: Darwin and the Spirit of Liberal Religion by Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, Oct 1, 2009. (

As always, I say to be educated and read for yourself. 

At it's core, it explains it's own philosphy as seeing G-d's image in everything.  Everything.  From nature to Christianity

Was Stalin and Pol Pot murdering in the image of G-D?  Are dictators who gas their own people, such as Assad, murdering right now in the image of G-D?  I leave that up to the reader to decide, but it's such statements that are at the core of the Unitarian Universalist Association whose leadership supposedly collectively wrote the book.

Who is this Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)

Symbol :

1. A religion, ironically calling themselves, an Association.
Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion with Jewish-Christian roots. It has no creed.  -
2. Self identify with the liberal label.

3. Had the blow up with the Boy Scouts of America a few years ago and created their own Scouts.

4. Have a vaguely communist manifesto

"The Goal of World Community with Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All" - 6th Principal

Peace, Liberty, and Justice for all?  That's not how it goes.  The pledge of allegiance to the United States, written by Francis Bellamy, and adopted by Congress in 1945, goes as follows.

"I pledge allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The change between the two tells you what you need to know.

They removed the words : I pledge allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible,

But they added : Goal of World Community peace.

So, it seems it's goal is a world community with peace for all.

Where have we seen a world wide attempt to gain power through peace used before for propaganda?

4. Are moral relativists - believing that truth and meaning constantly evolve.
“As responsible religious seekers, we recognize that we are privileged to be free, to have resources to pursue life beyond mere survival, to continually search for truth and meaning, to exist beyond bonds of dogma and oppression, and to wrestle freely with truth and meaning as they evolve." - Reflection on 4th Principal
This also preaches the idea that morals can never be finite.  There is never a single truth or meaning, but a continual search for them.  Remember, it has no creed.

The scariest part about the Book, is that it teaches it's congregants.
"What if we make all the World his Temple, and all life a worship?  All this we may not only do in evolution, but evolution helps us do it."

pg. 12 of  The Whole World Kin: Darwin and the Spirit of Liberal Religion
So it's an evangelical religion of evolution!  On a crusade to promote moral relativism and Darwinian thinking upon the world through "peace" and knowledge.

A religion intent on spreading "peace," but has no defined sense of right and wrong?

It's important to point out : those who are not charitable or humane, are not kin to the major religions, or non-religious individuals, who are.

National Protests Against Amnesty

This weekend, there will be more than 300 protests around the United States against Amnesty.

I encourage anyone showing up, please remain true to the ideals of civil protest.

Remember, with freedom comes responsibility.

Spreading the word

I had said a few weeks ago that Obama was breaking constitutional law.

For me, the biggest issue was, and is, Obama going around congress and the Judicial branches of Government.  It doesn't matter if it's in the name of immigration reform or using drones outside warzones.

And that was a Liberal!

I love the message Dr. Carson sends.  He is absolutely right!

You need to know who these guys are.  Karl Marx, Lenin, Alinsky.

You have to stand up for America.  You have to stand up for values. Spread the word.  Help your friends and family learn about the issues, and then make their own choices.  Write to your congressmen and senators.  Make sure you vote!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Israel and Hamas

"In terms of party affiliation, red and blue are divided over blue and white: 73% of Republicans sympathize more with Israel while only 44% of Democrats do."


It's easy to see which side is pro-Israel, the Republican party, and which side has no clue.

the Difference

Some may say our society and media has stopped being able to converse constructively.

I think there are still those out there, like those that are reading this, open to hearing outside opinion.

But those that aren't?  They are all too common.

When the reality doesn't side in their favor, they begin to obsess over gaining revenge on the individual or group that beat them, praying it will all go away.

Demonize them.  
Undermine any authority in any subject they may have.
Do whatever it takes to draw attention away from their own incompetence.
Play to the onlookers.

Why?  Because the onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

Know the difference.

Don't drink the sand.


World’s largest four-winged dinosaur discovered — and it has massive feathers.

What is amazing in all this is that once again, here is a fossil of a creature fully formed.  Just like archeopeteryx,


There are no "missing links" between these winged dinosaurs, they just appear.

Which goes back to one of my prior assertions, that micro-evolution is not supported by the fossil record. See this two part video on the Cambrian Explosion.


 Knowing this, a reasonable person should then question why life sprang up so quickly.


Which leads me to David Berlinski's comments on the subject,

I recommend watching all of the video to understand at least some of the debate.  I would also recommend looking at other critical arguments of Darwinian theory.

More so, the question is why isn't this debate out there?  Why is every skeptic of Darwin painted as fundamentalist Christians, believers in literal interpretation of the Biblical Creation story?

That question is why many professors around the World, want at least a debate about Darwinism. See Here

Los Patos

Living near Murrieta this past week has helped open my eyes to the dangerous of La Raza.

Some say, oh, they have reformed.  They aren't so dangerous, or extreme, or racist.

Intimidating Murrieta residents in uniforms sure looks extremely radical to me.

But these are the people who became the silent heroes in this twisted, upside-down side show.  Instead of a focus on issues, it became about the residents of Murrieta.  They were demonized as racists.

But, we often attack with the most fervor, what we see in ourselves.

These guys are indeed racists, as well as the supporters of them.

Pulled from

Like this guy, "Doktor Zoom" (

This "Doktor" uses yiddush, calling Xavier Hermosillo a schmuck, for doing his job.  Not just bad taste, but I truly wonder if the Doktor is even of Jewish decent.

What I find truly disgusting though, besides the terrible abuse of language, is the following statement,

"Alcaraz doesn’t seem overly worried about the implied lawsuit threat, and has gleefully escalated, calling Xavier Hermosillo “Murrieta’s own Baghdad Bob” and speculating that maybe “Republicans believe in frivolous lawsuits after all!

Spoken like a guy who knows his First Amendment and has gotten an empty threat from a douchebag who definitely doesn’t."

Hermosillo is charging Alcaraz with defamation against the City of Murrieta.  Hermosillo is, afterall, the spokesman for the city.

According to,

"In order to be actionable, a defamatory statement must be "of and concerning" the plaintiff. This means that a defamation plaintiff must show that a reasonable person would understand that the statement was referring to him or her. Of course, if a blog post or online article identifies the plaintiff by name, this requirement will be easily met. The plaintiff need not be specifically named, however, if there are enough identifying facts that any (but not necessarily every) person reading or hearing it would reasonably understand it to refer to the plaintiff."

The City of Murrieta is clearly depicted in the above cartoon, it's labeled in the mouth itself.

And like Hermosillo has stated in his messages, Alcaraz has been working overtime to paint the entire city of Murrieta as racists.

So, yes, Alcaraz could indeed be sued for defamation of the City of Murrieta.  It is no frivolous lawsuit at all.

What get's me in all of this is the final line of the blog :

"Follow Doktor Zoom on Twitter. He met Lalo Alcaraz while teaching a summer class for new students at the U of Arizona a million years ago."

Great.  As a former student at University of Arizona's school of Anthropology, I'm hoping I never took "Doktor Zooms" class.  Clearly, Doktor Zoom has no understanding of the line between freedom of speech and legal precedents that protect against libel and slander.

Sadly, both these ignoramuses are encouraging a stereotyping of Murrieta Residents are part of a larger group.  Much of the root of the anti-American slander has come from La Raza and the drones of similiar, anti-America, pro-Aztlan groups.

Just remember what Obama said at prior NCLR conferences,

Who else has marched with La Raza?  Good point, Obama.

Wonder if they looked like this,

Or this,

Or maybe this,

Sure looks like a bunch of American hating, anti-White racists.

And if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be, a duck.


"Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said." 

That's 95%, a staggering figure, of illegal immigrants who come not because of violence, according to this report, but because of promises of free passes, or permisos.

Now, this is not to say we shouldn't try to help these individuals, in particular, the minors once they come here, but we have finite resources.  That is the point to having a yearly budget.

When Obama comes to congress and asks for more money, he should be told to put it in his yearly budget - or plan for it next year.

Let's look at the break down of the $3.7 billion Obama is asking for,

"Officials said the largest share of the money, $1.8 billion, would go to the Health and Human Services Department to provide food, housing and medical care to thousands of youths who are crammed into emergency detention sites at U.S. Border Patrol facilities, on military bases and elsewhere as they await processing."

L.A. Times,

$1.8 billion more would go to Health and Human Services (HHS)? 

According to

These are the figures for HHS.

In 2013, HHS spent $886 billion.
In 2014, HHS spent $958 billion.
In 2015, HHS plans to spend $1,010 billion.

That's a rise of $124 billion in two years.  $1.8 billion is just a drop in the bucket of money HHS receives.

The bigger question this reveals is why is the HSS growing so fast in a time with such gross Government deficits? Our total expected spending in 2015 will be $3.9 Trillion.

The HSS takes up over one quarter of our Government spending already.

Defense is $495 billion (a change downward of .4% year over year).

That's less than half of what the US Government will be giving to HHS in 2015. 

Retrieved from

That 27%, called Medicare & Health in the cart, is the HHS.

HHS provides medicare and medicaid. It's 85% of their expenditures.

But the other 15%?  

8% discretionary programs
3% children's entitlement programs
2.6% other manditory programs

Inside that number is $868 million marked for refugee related programs.

According to the budget located here,

"ACF anticipates 70,000 refugee arrivals in FY 2015, together with 55,000 asylees and other entrants eligible for refugee benefits. These benefits consist primarily of time-limited cash and medical assistance but also include social services, primarily job training and English instruction, so adults can become self-sufficient as quickly as possible. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, HHS anticipates decreased refugee medical assistance costs as more refugees are covered by the Medicaid expansion in participating states. ACF has worked with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to translate the enrollment application into languages most often spoken by refugees (11 are currently available) and has developed a training curriculum so that Navigators and Certified Application Counselors can ensure that refugees and other entrants have equal access to benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The Budget includes sufficient funds to provide eight months of cash and medical assistance to these arrivals and maintain funding for social services and victims of torture."

Three things to take away from this.

1. It's clear anyone who seeks entrance to the United States under the ACA is grouped with refugees automatically.

2. Once classified as refugees, they are offered "time-limited cash" and medical assistance and social services.

3.  No where does HHS say directly they provide food or housing.

The LA. Times article may indeed be right about HHS providing medical care for many of the illegal immigrants, but food and housing are not part of that deal.  It would have to be offered outside the normal operation of the HHS.

868 million is already going to this refugee fund.  Now Obama wants to add 1.8 billion more - more than double it's current funding.

Why double?  Because estimates say the amount of illegal immigrants will double next year, from 80,000 to 160,000.  It makes sense if you look purely at the numbers.

But it's not about the numbers.  Obama could stem the tide by tightening up on deportations, showing that the US Government won't allow open borders.  Or he could offer to put the money into the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  But that's not what Obama is asking for.

He's asking for a 1.8 billion dollar blank check to go to HHS.

The L.A. Times apparently doesn't understand that in it's rush to defend Obama's bill.  They give the readership a false impression that HHS is going to be providing the essentials people need.

What is needed? Decent food, water, clothing and shelter.
What will be provided?  Time-limited cash, medical treatment, and social services (including access to public schools for minors).

Which, because these benefits must be given wholly to each "Refugee", it will put a strain on other school and social services.  This will include the free lunch program, which is under the control of the USDA.

Instead of issuing food stamps, they are offering what seems to be cash EBT cards.  Anyone familiar with cash EBT knows they can be abused for purchases of non-food items.  In fact, in California, it's been reported that cash EBT cards have been excessively abused.

"In a 2010 Los Angeles Times report, EBT cards were being used in places like Indian casinos and strip clubs.  

According to The Times, it was discovered that nearly $5 million in cash benefits were spent or withdrawn from ATMs at casinos and poker rooms between January 2007 and May 2010."

Not to mention cash EBT cards being used for alcohol and cigarettes instead of say, diapers, that happens daily.

So it is not the HHS that is providing food, it will be the USDA that will need more revenue to increase the amount of school lunches it provides.

This doesn't even mention that all these children will be exposed to radical anti-colonialism, anti-religion, and anti-moral bigotry that is prevalent throughout the US public school system and University system, helping to foster a new generation of radical anti-Americans such as Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Saul Alinsky.

Of that $3.7 billion Obama is planning on using, $1.8 billion goes to HHS, and $1.6 billion to Justice and Homeland security.  That's still 300 million left unaccounted for, but no where does any of the reports specify that the funds go to the USDA or HUD.

So sadly, those in favor of Obama's bill, are supporting it based upon their hopes and dreams that they project upon the bill.

Instead, the reality is that the bill will burden the USDA school lunch program, and the taxpayers, while continuing the HHS's unprecedented levels of funding under false pretenses.  A questionable action in light of just how much money the HHS is receiving (27%) and how much our deficits are blossoming when we are supposed to be tightening our belts.

From the Congressional Budget Office,

Notice that the Federal Spending on "Major Health Care Programs" is the largest future contributor to the debt.


"Federal spending for Social Security and the government’s major health care programs—Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and subsidies for health insurance purchased through the exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act—would rise sharply, to a total of 14 percent of GDP by 2039, twice the 7 percent average seen over the past 40 years. That boost in spending is expected to occur because of the aging of the population, growth in per capita spending on health care, and an expansion of federal health care programs."

14% of GDP by 2039.  Today, our $3.9 Trillion Government expenditures is from a GDP of 16.8 Trillion.  That's 23% of our total GDP.  Going from an average of 7 percent, to 14, on just Social Security and major health care programs, is going to balloon the deficit without even giving us room to pay for other important services, such as defense.

That's clearly unsustainable.  HHS, plus our national debt interest payments, and welfare payments, are expected to grow to such tremendous amounts that only incredibly high taxes will ever be able to pay for them.  Even the drop in 2013's deficit, is minor, because the debt just keeps tallying up faster than before.

The deficit in 2013 was still $560 billion.

Making for an increase to 17.6 Trillion total debt.

The notion that Obama is acting fiscally responsible in any sense of the matter needs to be dropped.  In fact, his policies are leading the US into economic collapse through creating unsustainable, unspecified, and unanswerable programs and servicesResulting in future needs to dramatically increase taxes.  Obama's policy is a terrible burden and excuse to indenture future generations.